HPR-20 TMS System Installed at INT-KIT, Germany | ...

2022-07-09 08:25:21 By : Ms. Lina Jiang

Recently, a Hiden representative in Germany, Sachin Menon from  Hiden Analytical Europe GmbH, completed the install of a  HPR-20 TMS  System at the  Institute of Nanotechnology (INT-KIT), Germany.

At the  Institute of Nanotechnology (INT-KIT) , researchers from the CLUSTER group led by  Prof. Horst Hahn   developed well-defined model catalyst systems, composed of size-selected clusters of noble metal atoms. As a partner within the  TrackAct   project (Tracking the Active Site in Heterogeneous Catalysis for Emission Control), CLUSTER group aims to prepare model catalysts and identify the performance of the active sites. In this project, HPR-20 TMS is employed to measure the conversion efficiency of the model systems during different catalytic reactions.

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